Version 4.1.3 (Oct 2019)
- Fixed Quit button not working.
- Fixed Preference Business Type image missing.
Version 4.1.2 (Sept 2019)
- Fixed display old transaction data issue.
- Fixed table/column not found with old data.
- Fixed user unable to login if they have setup uppercase password.
- Fixed Sql error when updating user.
Version 4.1.1 (Aug 2019)
- Added a button to allow users set all sku to "Is Inventory".
- Fixed print SKU List first page is blank.
- Fixed system always prompt Dining Bill error when user made payment in Retail business type.
Version 4.1.0 (July 2019)
- Enhanced to display Area/Slot in Printing & Transaction Listing.
- Added Item Discount to display in Bill Printing.
- Revamp the Payment Flow.
- Added Split Bill and Merge Bill function.
- Added "Add-On" feature.
- Added "Time Period" feature for Category,
- Added SKU Take Away Price.
- Added New Report "Best Selling Brand".
- Added Share Table feature.
- Added Hold Bill Photo.
- Added "Slot State Indicator" settings in POS Preference.
- All Reports has been revamped to use same wording in most of the column to prevent confusing.
- Added Column Definition in most of the Sales Report.
- Added Test Print feature for Printer Setting.
- Added Buzzer Command for Printer Setting.
- Added Print Header Image and Split By Product options for Printer Setting.
- Enhanced to when delete printed item, system will print the deleted item with "Cancelled" indicator.
- Sort the sequence of Masterfile module.
- Added Business Type in Preference.
- Enhanced Backup and Restore Database to include photo folder.
- Added New Export function (Stock Balance).
- Added Timed Product in SKU.
- Added Timer for Hold Bill F4.
- Added POS Finalise feature.
- Added Mall Integration feature.
- Fixed Reupdate Sales issue.
- Fixed Print Cash Denomination issue when Print Toggle is off.
Version 4.0.0 (Feb 2019)
- Added new F&B features.
- Fixed some windows auto resize bugs.
- Fixed inactive SKU will no longer show in POS Counter button list.
- Removed Multiple Counter settings in System Preferences.
Version 3.3.2 (Feb 2019)
- Fixed Prune Receipt has not properly capture the Before Tax Amount and Tax Amount in transaction.
- Fixed system keep prompt re-update sales error on program startup.
- Fixed Masterfile SKU Change Selling Price Error.
Version 3.3.1 (Dec 2018)
- Fixed denomination total sales is wrong when got weighing scale items.
Version 3.3.0 (Dec 2018)
- Enhance Masterfile Transaction Details Print to A4 can key in Remark.
- New Module: Export Masterfile (SKU only).
- Enhance Print Cash Denomination to able to Print Receipt Header.
- New Feature: Vendor and GRN Tax.
- New Feature: Tax for POS.
Version 3.2.18 (Mar 2018)
- Fixed crash when export Cash Sales.
Version 3.2.17 (Jan 2018)
- Fixed failed to export sales return with using SQL Accounting
- Fixed failed to upload goods receive from slave counter to master counter
Version 3.2.16 (Nov 2017)
- Fixed open drawer delay when checkout transaction in Slave counter
- Fixed failed to print out unit price on simplified invoice with A4.
- Fixed failed to print out tax information in GST Summary Report which under Denomination Summary and receipt column < 32
- Fixed show wrong sales tax amount in Milliong Accounting format
- Fixed show wrong purchase amount in Accounting Purchase format
- Added _ button in on screen keyboard. This button on show when CAP Locks/Symbol button enabled.
Version 3.2.15 (Aug 2017)
- Fixed failed save special exemption value in Membership Module
- Change “Check” to “Cheque” in Denomination Report
- Member Purchase History “Search” button not function
- Disc Displays 0.00 for Item Discount in Percentage or F.O.C
- Fixed show Special Exemption Information issue when multiple press escape key to close special Exemption Screen
- Fixed the system crash when print SKU Items without filter category
- Fixed counter crash when mulitple enter/click reprint confirm button
- Fixed the system failed to update SKU stock balance after click on Goods Receive “Update Inventory” button
- Fixed the system failed to update SKU stock balance after remove item’s inventory quantity from SKU inventory list (Under SKU > Inventory)
- Fixed Missing print Receipt Discount Detail on Denomination Report.
- Fixed Cancelled Receipts Detail in Denomination Report A4 & Receipt format using different title
- Changed Receipt Discount Detail / Cancelled Receipts Detail Invoice Number column should be show Invoice number instead of show receipt number
- MyEG EIS Terminal Integration
- Filter Output Tax when Print SKU List
Version 3.2.14 (Jun 2017)
- Block to close "POS Counter" when found the unfinished transaction.
- Update items cost in sales record with Date Range.
- Fixed Daily/Monthly Sales Report Calculation.
- Added "Rounding" column into "Daily Sales Report".
- Only allow user edit SKU Masterfile cost when Goods Receive Records is empty
- Fixed Goods Return Quantity Checking issue
- Fixed Denomination Summary Report (Wrong Calculation for Total Others Payment)
Version 3.2.13 (March 2017)
- Optimize Sales Report Database.
- Fixed reprint receipt issue.
- Fixed Hold Bill does not show up in F3 and F4 Button after disable/enable training mode
- Block to close counter in training mode when found a transaction not complete.
- Fixed print wrong discount amount on receipt with A4 format.
- Fixed failed to view Slave Counter E-Journal/Audit Log.
- Fixed the Customer Display does not response after editing in System Preference.
- Fixed print wrong cashier name on receipt with A4 format in Transactions Module.
- Fixed the System failed to update SKU inventory after doing sales.
- Fixed print promotion title on receipt. Fixed Cashier Sales Report missing sales.
- Fixed failed to print Daily/Monthly Sales Report.
- Fixed the system can do goods return item quantity more than purchased Item quantity from the Same Transaction
- Fixed failed Save Promotion with Title Including (') Symbol
- Adjusted Goods Receive screen (for view item part too small)
- Fixed failed to print Promotion History Report.
- Removed Mprice Type Descscription from Tax Invoice
- Update EULA
Version 3.2.12 (Jan 2017)
Reports sales' amount not tally.
When "Price Check," system will auto generate receipt no
Save wrong receipt discount amount (Happen when Printing/Grouping item set with "Print end of the transaction"). This issue will cause Denomination Summary Sales show the wrong amount
Optimize Denomination Database.
Receipt has whitespace when do goods return
Version 3.2.11 (Jan 2017)
Slave Server upload sales issue.
Added "No Expired Date" checkbox in Membership Form
Remove Selling Price Discount setting from GST Settings.
Fixed Counter Collection Report
Version 3.2.10 (Jan 2017)
- Fixed Multiple Counter Version 2 issue
- Fixed Goods Return issue.
- Added ARMS® LITE Installation Step into user manual
Version 3.2.9 (Dec 2016)
Fixed Promotion Calculation (GST settings disable)
Fixed Daily/Monthly Sales Report, filter category Issue
Version 3.2.8 (Dec 2016)
- Fixed Print Receipt & Full Tax Invoice Issue.
Version 3.2.7 (Dec 2016)
- Added New Item Row Receipt Format (Barcode & Description in the same row)
- Fixed cannot cancel transaction in Transaction Module
- Fixed Transaction Payment cannot show on transaction Detail screen
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
Version 3.2.6 (Nov 2016)
- System crashes after checkout after open Price Check module which under POS Counter
Version 3.2.5 (Nov 2016)
- Cash denomination report other payments & credit card variance and Sales Variance error.
- Item on receipt cannot group.
- Fixed EPSON Command Printer.
- Fixed POS Counter screen.
- Fixed Weight Scale quantity checking6. Fixed System not auto fill in member detail into GST Claim form when transaction in under Member transaction.
- Fixed Receipt failed print GST Description (GST Summary)
- Fixed Multiple Counters error message not clearly.
- Fixed unable update SKU Inventory after cancel bill
- Change Transaction Detail show like Simplified Invoice.
- Show "Offline" wording in ARMS LITE Client Counter header when networking down.
- Use receipt ref no as invoice no instead use receipt no.
- Added Textbox into Reprint/Cancel/Goods Return screen for use key in receipt ref no as invoice to search receipt
- Added BRN and GST Reg No field into membership module.
- Added Tax Invoice Receipt Header under System Preference > GST Tab
- Change GAF V1.0 to GAF V2.
Version 3.2.4 (Sept 2016)
- Fixed update sales inventory calculation issue.
Version 3.2.3 (Aug 2016)
- Fixed multiple counter V2, upload sales issue.
Version 3.2.2 (Aug 2016)
- Fixed report issue
Version 3.2.1 (Aug 2016)
- Fixed System crash when click on Denomination button on Wizard Screen (Main Screen).
Version 3.2(Aug 2016)
- Fixed Update Sales calculation.
- Fixed Report calculation & standard all report/receipt date format.
- Fixed Weight Scale Item calculation.
- Fixed System alert message typo & grammar error.
- Update Sage 50 format to compatible latest version.
- Update GAF format.
- Remove spacing character from username & login name when add/edit user
- Added Counter Sales GST Report
- Added Receipt Summary GST
- Remove “Duplicate Copy” wording from 1st copy Tax Invoice document
- Added Multiple Counter Version 2 (Refer User Manual to setup multiple counters from Pg 30 to Pg 33)
- Added GST, Sales Incl. GST into Daily / Monthly Sales
- Added Price limit. User only can key in selling price less than or equal 9,999,999.99
- Added Cut off time can set with hour and minutes.
- Added “Net Sales” into Counter Sales Report
- Added “Delete” payment function in POS Counter
- Remove SAGEUSB from accounting software list
- Added Daily Sales Report
- Change “Cash Denomination” summary report format.
- Change “Top Up Cash” to “Cash In”.
- Export to Account change to Account & GAF Export
- Added Promotion History Report
- Added Cancel Receipts Detail into “Denomination Summary” Report
- Added Receipt Discounts Detail into “Denomination Summary” Report
- Added Payment Variance into “Denomination Summary” Report (Exclude Cash)
Version 3.1.12(Jul 2016)
- Fixed view transaction list, system crashed.
Version 3.1.11(May 2016)
- Fixed show wrong currency symbol.
Version 3.1.10(May 2016)
- Fixed select "Receipt Printer Column" with 32 and "Print Item Row Format" with other than "Standard" format, system will crash when startup.
Version 3.1.9 (April 2016)
- Fixed Import Masterfile selling price & cost checking error.
Version 3.1.8 (Jan 2016)
Fixed item discount checking error when quantity < 1.
Fixed update inventory duplicate and when item has stock take.
Fixed receipt discount and Amount Change Calculation error (Payment part).
Version 3.1.7 (Dec 2015)
Fixed system crash issue when do checking database performance.
Version 3.1.6 (Dec 2015)
Added Print receipt header with image.
Added Print receipt header with big font..
Added Database performance checking.
Added Daily Backup (schedule routine backup).
Change to show GAF detail with itemize.
Block quantity cannot key in more than 9999.99.
Block change price cannot key more than 9999999999.99.
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
Version 3.1.5 (OCT 2015)
- Fixed Receipt Discount issue
Version 3.1.4 (OCT 2015)
- Service Charge Report.
- Fixed update sales inventory issue
- Fixed print cheque value in cash denomination report
Version 3.1.3 (Sep 2015)
GRN Summary Report.
Reset Data (Sales, inventory & Master File).
Fixed Item Discount (option: Selling Price Discount before GST).
Version 3.1.2 (Sep 2015)
- Fixed print cash denomination report issue.
Version 3.1.1 (Sep 2015)
- Fixed Daily/Monthly Sales report issue.
Version 3.1 (Sep 2015)
- Added System Payments in cash denomination report.
- Change "Check" payment description to "Cheque".
- Added New receipt format (refer receipt/report format file in attachment).
- Fixed Special exemption issue.
- Fixed Receipt Discount (use option discount with using price exclude gst).
- Enable GRN Module in shared counter (slave).
- Show all non gst item in SKU GST report.
- Added IA accounting format into "Export to Account" module.
- Improve search old grn.
- Added Exclude Sales GST and GST Amount into Report.
- Added date range to filter transaction.
Version 3.0.26 (August 2015)
- Fixed export credit notes calculation (Export To Account Module)
Version 3.0.25 (August 2015)
- Fixed credit notes cannot import into SQL accounting software (Export To Account Module)
Version 3.0.24 (July 2015)
- Fixed credit notes cannot import into SQL accounting software (Export To Account Module)
Version 3.0.23 (Jun 2015)
- Fixed show item discount (amount/value) on screen error
- Fixed Batch Price Change print report with A4 format error
- Fixed Cash Denomination print report + cannot show total sales in denomination report (shared counter)
- Fixed GST print report with receipt format error5. Change Simplified receipt header format
- Integration with SageUBS
- Added Invoice GST summary, total invoice amount and total invoice GST amount into Goods receive printed report.
- Remove export cash sales with itemize from export to account module.
- Fixed receipt feed lines error (dot matrix printer)
- Fixed ARMS barcoder printer failed print Chinese character.
- Change Export to Account interface.
Version 3.0.22 (May 2015)
Fixed Input Tax did not set as Default Tax Code. (Goods Receive Module)
Fixed unable to key in negative value in Receive Quantity. (Goods Receive Module)
Fixed Multi Vendor screen display problem to cause data duplication. (Goods Receive Module)
Fixed Print Barcode format back to default after update to new version. (Windows OS)
Fixed Tax Invoice Remark window Close button cannot function. (Goods Receive Module)
Fixed Update inventory button function. (Goods Receive Module)
Fixed edit cash denom will generate new cash denom when sales over daily end time, (Cash Denomination module)
Version 3.0.21 (May 2015)
- Fixed reprint cash denomination report wrong date issue.
- Fixed cannot save receive date in goods receive module.
Version 3.0.20 (May 2015)
- Fixed SKU Items missing error.
Version 3.0.19 (May 2015)
- Added module to Recalculate pos amount.(Only admin can do[Recalculate sales]).
- Fixed Batch Price change to later date but inside system change immediately.
- Fixed Cash Advance screen can multiple enter at same time.
- Added field to key in total invoice amount and invoice gst amount into GRN header and edit gst summary & gst yearly report purchase figure will use total invoice gst amount and before gst amount
- Fixed Receipt Discount rounding error(key in 0.05, but show 0.04)
- Items Discount error (discount before gst + item exclude gst)
Version 3.0.18 (APRIL 2015)
- Fixed Report Member Sales/Cashier Sales calculation error.
- Fixed Goods Return with Cash refund cannot print refund amount in receipt.
- Fixed Reprint receipt screen total amount calculation error.
- Fixed Change Price Module cannot use.
- Remove all module except POS Counter, User Manual from Slave Counter.
- Fixed Wizard screen cannot hide error.
- Cannot search vendor in goods receive module.
Version 3.0.17 (APRIL 2015)
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
- Match "Receipt Header Lines" & "Printer Cutter Feed Lines " settings to "Printer Cutter Feed Lines" only
- Fixed report sales amount not eq SKU GST report total. (Please to "Reupdate Sales")
Version 3.0.16 (APRIL 2015)
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
- Improve SKU form (Separate Root Category and Subcategory)
- improved import data module. (change to show row data which have error only)
- Print receipt ref number on receipt.
- Removed "force update" button in cash denom
- Rename "Receipt Printer Type" to "Printing/Item Grouping","Dot Matrix" to "Print on each scanning","Thermal" to "Print of end transaction"
Remove "Register ARMS LITE" button
Improve Good Receive module interface
Remove "Enable GST Now" option
Added support for Mettler Toledo weight scale
Version 3.0.15 (Mar 2015)
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
Version 3.0.14 (Mar 2015)
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
Version 3.0.13 (Mar 2015)
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
Version 3.0.12 (Mar 2015)
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
Version 3.0.11 (Mar 2015)
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
Added show total receipt Discount counter screen.
Added total Service Charges, Total Receipt Discount on Cash Denomination module.
Added Custom Payment.
Added Total Sales Exclude GST, Total GST, Total Service Charges(Include GST) and Total Receipt Discount into Cash Denomination report.
Added control do rounding adjustment before/after receipt discount.
Added control calculate service charges after receipt discount.
Added GST Claim (Print full tax invoice) key and button in pos counter .
Added link for user to get import master file format in Import Master File module.
Version 3.0.11 (Jan 2015)
- Bugs fix and maintenance update.
- Added GST Feature.
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